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Check out this Phat Puppy!


From CarolBrass:

"We are pleased to announce that the new Taylor Phat Puppy (CarolBrass version)!
Mr. Andy Taylor, the original designer of Taylor Phat Puppy, gives us the right to make Taylor Phat Puppy. Mr. Taylor provides the measurements and specifications, all the materials, parts, assembling and coating are done at CarolBrass factory."

Basically, you can refer this new horn to a "compact" version of regular flugelhorn, or a type of "pocket flugelhorn" which produces beautiful flugelhorn sound!

CarolBrass's version is with standard specification(and without customised options), it costs less expensive if compares with Taylor's version.

Both Taylor's and CarolBrass's Phat Puppy are great in terms of sound and playability.


This specific horn comes with a gig bag instead of the standard case.

You NEED to try this out, you will not be disappointed!


Asking $2,175 + Shipping

CarolBrass Taylor Phat Puppy

Only 1 left in stock

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